La inceput am cumparat un tub mic de oxigen unul de 5 litri,dupa ce am inceput sa experimentez tubul se golea foarte repede, e foarte enervant sa bat 10km sa umplu un tub de oxigen de 5 litri. Mi-am zis: what a fuck!
asa ca am cautat multa vreme pina am reusit sa cumpar acest tub de oxigen,care a fost foarte ieftin, are si verificarea tehnica valabila pina in 2013.08.09, pe linga astea are si oxigen in el mai bine de trei sferturi, so way cool!
in pachet a fost inclus si acel teu din cupru, care serveste la umplerea buteliei mici cu oxigen din butelia mai mare iar acel ceas indica presiunea in timpul transferului. ma intorc la experimentat si perfectionat tehnica suduri oxi-gaz.
at first I bought a small tube of oxygen 5 liters, after I began to experience ,end up very quickly emptied , is very annoying to beat 10km to fill a 5-liter oxygen tube. I thought my self:
what the fuck!,.
I looked for a long time until I managed to buy this oxygen tube,58,6 l, I bought it very cheap, and is valid until 2013.08.09 technical inspection, besides this has oxygen in his, more than three quarters, so way cool!burn baby, burn!
it was included in the package that copper tees, which serves to filled the small cylinder with oxygen on the biger cylinder and with that little pressure gauge wich indicate the oxigen presure during the transfer.
oxijen ... hiiiii....bommmmmmmmmm
cred ca voi fi nevoit sa schimb brenerul, m-am tras de astea romanesti da cred ca tot la ele ajung, asta cei de alt neam nu potriveste nici capurile de bec daramite becurile de envoie am facut un adaptor de capuri, vom vedea caz contrar trece la vitrina ca multe altele!