duminică, 22 aprilie 2012


small sadellbag

new hobby

small child being,I wanted very much a skateboard, no matter the brand or style just to be a board to play /years pas, heck! I'm not so old, I'm started skating!.
sure will be falls, wounds, probably break bones, but no matter, live it and do it.////make it
  and all that due to my good friend and employer, which he offered this lonbord as a gift
god bless you!!!
I will not forget all my life  you made me feel a child again, now recover their childhood child!

copil mic fiind,imi doream foarte mult un skateboard, nu conta marca sau stilul doar o placa sa fie pe care sa ma dau/ Fuck nu-s asa batrin ,am inceput sa ma dau pe skatebord.
sigur va  fi  cu cazaturi,plagi, probabil rupturi de oase, dar nu mai conteaza, traiesc s-o fac si pe asta!
 si asta datorita bunului meu prieten si angajator,placa mi-a fost oferita de el drept cadou.
Domnul  sa te binecuvinteze!
nu te voi uita toata viata mea.ai facut sa ma simt din nou copil, copil care isi recupereaza acum copilaria!

brass stuff

Sunday! it's time to go to the sanctuary, for me it's the palce -old stuff market. Spring time is here,and is time that the trees to be sprayed, although I have only three, we have vines and some vegetables later, and  the rest of that will be planted in our little garden. This vermorel copper and brass valves, 
will aging me with two years or more if not buy it. is a unique piece, which certainly did not find her every day and every table, and is very functional as show it!
things that make my heart to be two years younger .... if I buy them! so I bought it!!!

Duminica! e vremea sa merg la sanctuar, pentru mine e piata de vechituri. cum  Primavara isi face simtita prezenta,e timpul in care trebuie stropiti pomi fructiferi, desi nu am decat trei, vița de vie si mai incolo restul de legume ce le vom pune in micuța noastra gradina, acest vermorel din cupru si robineti de alama ......fiui!

inbatrineam cu doi ani sau mai mult, dacă nu-l cumparam. este o piesa unica, care cu siguranţă nu am s-o gasesc  în fiecare zi şi pe orice taraba, si este complet functionala cum se vede...
astea sunt lucruri care fac ca inima mea să fie mai tanara cu doi ani  .... daca o cumparam! aşa că am cumpărat-o!


an engraved brass cup. in it I put olive oil that I will serve to pour olive oil over salad vegetables and not only, of course!
o cupa din alama gravata. in ea voi pune ulei de masline care-mi va servi la turnarea uleiului de masline peste  salatele de legume si nu numai, desigur!

this is not a piece of brass, but deserves due attention
a small mattocks super useful in weeding the weeds in the garden, just a wooden tail needs.

aceasta nu e o piesa  din alama, dar merita atentia cuvenita
o sapaliga mica super utila la plivit de buruieni in gradina, doar de o coada de lemn are nevoie.

big brother

La inceput am cumparat un tub mic de oxigen  unul de 5 litri,dupa ce am inceput sa experimentez tubul se golea foarte repede, e foarte enervant sa bat 10km sa umplu un tub de oxigen de 5 litri. Mi-am zis: what a fuck!
 asa ca am cautat  multa vreme pina am reusit sa cumpar acest tub de oxigen,care a fost foarte  ieftin, are si verificarea tehnica valabila pina in 2013.08.09, pe linga astea are si oxigen in el mai bine de trei sferturi, so way cool!
in  pachet a fost inclus si acel teu din cupru, care serveste la umplerea buteliei mici cu oxigen  din butelia mai mare iar acel ceas indica presiunea in timpul transferului. ma intorc la experimentat si perfectionat tehnica suduri oxi-gaz.

at first I bought a small tube of oxygen 5 liters, after I began to experience ,end up very quickly emptied , is very annoying to beat 10km to fill a 5-liter oxygen tube. I thought my self:
 what the fuck!,.
 I looked for a long time until I managed to buy this oxygen tube,58,6 l, I bought it very cheap, and  is valid until 2013.08.09 technical inspection, besides this has oxygen in his, more than three quarters, so way cool!burn baby, burn!
it was included in the package that copper tees, which serves  to filled the small cylinder with oxygen on the biger cylinder and with that little pressure gauge wich  indicate the oxigen presure during the transfer.

duminică, 1 aprilie 2012

leathear business briefcase

a hand briefcase, chestnut brown, fine lines,in and out leathear, simple tailored,true effect, briefcase which fit in business class.

o servieta de mana, culoare maro castaniu, linii fine,unghiuri drepte,interior-exterior din piele,un croi simplu,de efect,servieta ce se  incadrez in clasa business.