I've always liked things to be arranged in order, in place, to sight, that when I need something , not be forced to waste time, looking that thing, tool .....this trolley for booth machine welders,MMA dawn and TIG-WIG up, was thought to not occupy much space, everything you need to weld, to be on this trolley- welding sticks, electrodes, welding rods, mask, leather shorts, hammer clay and most importantly - to be portable!
translated instructions |
Swiss precision! kidding It does work very well, it's beyond my expectations
YATO welding magnets 45-90-35 angel set, good staff,very powerful, until 11kg lifting power |
Saturday when I finished the machine, I started cutting the pipe for a Z handlebar, it did not matter it was 11 pm, in the end my legs were shaking I was exuberant, it's good to have god tools!!
drills, thread cutting taro inside, Dies-thread on the outside, abrasive cutters all in one place, vice .... Some are missing, some are more, some are borrowed, some are about to come. individually marked with stamped punch, to find them easily.
RăspundețiȘtergereAcest comentariu a fost eliminat de autor.
RăspundețiȘtergereBravo, hai ca abia astept sa vad lucrari frumoase iesite din mainile tale. :)
RăspundețiȘtergereMa gandeam ca ar trebui sa faci si tu un moto de la un cap la altul, cu metal cu piele, cu tot, ceva sa te caracterizeze. :))
Bafta multa.
RăspundețiȘtergerede cind am mobra o tot modific intr-una pina mi s-a acrit. e nevoie de multi, prea multi bani sa ma apuc sa fac una de la 0,din buzunarul meu,nu ca nu ias da ci ca nui am, ar fi promisuni de la un pasionat , asteptam, traim si v-om vedea.mai mult de atit nu indraznesc sa-mi doresc...pentru inceput!
Lasa, ca poate strang ceva pana in iarna si o faci pe a mea. :) Vedem ce mai este pana atunci.
RăspundețiȘtergereBafta si mai asteptam lucrari sa ne delectam ochiul. :)