sâmbătă, 25 august 2012

my signature

is laser engraving and is perfect, I am proud of my best friend (who made the drawing in corel) without which I would not have now, and I am proud of who created this sign (Kity), also I am proud that this is my sign ,she represent me. 

este gravura laser, si e perfecta, sunt mandru de prietenul meu cel mai bun (care a facut desenul in Corel) fara de care nu as fi avut ce am acum,si sunt mandru de cel care a creat acest insemn(Kity),  sunt  mandru  ca acest semn ma reprezinta.

2 comentarii:

  1. Intradevar a iesit zuper ,ma bucur si eu de doua ori ca te-ai bucurat si ca te-am putut ajuta,my best friend.

