duminică, 27 mai 2012

zippo'ssss..... burn baby, burn!!

I found these two little Fucker .... Sory!- lighters, I was so excited that I flew on them. a few small touches, showed the rust cleaned, I put a stone from  a normal lighter put gas in them (normal gas from gas station)with a syringe, pop pop and flames appeared.I felt a feeling of relief...like when you're lost in the wilderness and you managed to light the fire
soo.... burn baby burn!

Am gasit azi acesti doi micuti fuckers!....sory brichete(nu prea rimeaza in romana), am fost atat de entuziasmat cind le-am vazut incat am "ZBURAT"  pe ele. dupa cateva mici retusuri, curatat rugina unde a fost cazul,am pus piatra de la  bricheta normala,am bagat benzina de  pompa cu o seringa .....pop pop si a aparut flacara.

am fost cuprins de un sentiment de usurare, la fel ca atunci cind esti pierdut in salbaticie si ai reusit sa aprinzi focul.desi nu sunt fumator ma voi folosi pe deplin de ele.

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