sâmbătă, 3 decembrie 2011

big bang or big bag

au trecut trei saptamani de cind am inceput sa lucrez la Uriasa", gindire tipar, crearea lui, croit pielea in doua rinduri,vopsit, lipit,intarituri cu placaj de PE,perforat,cusut, desigur trei saptamani in care , media a fost de o ora o ora jumate pe zi in care am putut lucra la uriasa.PLUS DOUA SAMBETE  pline.

s-a dorit a fi o geanta universala , se paote purta pe umar, pe spate, la mana si pe Sisy bar-ul motociletei(spatar) prevazuta cu prinderi....

doctor doctor please!      

va avea un separeu din izolir in care va sta laptopul, totodata fiind fotograf la va avea si un "toc" de interior detasabil cu separeuri pentru corp si obiective...da asta mai tarziu, ce se vede momentan e in stare nefinalizata...
so dam si pe engleza
Three weeks have passed since I started working at the giant ", thought pattern, creation, cutting the skin in two rows, painted, glued, reinforced with plywood PE, perforating, sewing, three-week course in which the average was half an hour an hour a day in which I could work ....and two Sabbath.
wanted to be a universal bag, which can be worn on the shoulder, back, hand and Sisy bar
motorcycle (backrest) provided to be able to catch the sisy bar ....will be created inside a pocket notebook and a pocket" removable room to carry cameras, lenses , flash and other things....

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